

一、在“暑期活动具体计划”中,“二、活动详细计划(二)中期:活动实施及小结Ⅱ.每日时间表”这一项中的“9:30am 所有成员到达活动地点并做好工作1.”的内容没有从word文档中转移过来。所以现在补充如下:“1.场地布置(展板、突发情况预处理准备、依据现场情况设置特别行动处)2.资料准备(成果小展、锦益袋、数码相机(为换袋者愿意合影者拍照)等)”
ONE、In the plan‘Summer Activity specific plans’,‘TWO、Detailed plan of activity(TWO)Medium-term: Implementation and Events SummaryⅡ.Daily schedule’--'9:30am Get all members of the activity location and do the preparations1. 'because of my fault.The contents were not transfered from the word.So now add as follow‘1.Site layout (panels, pre-treatment preparation unexpected situations, according to the situation to set up a special Action Service)2.Data preparation (the results of a small exhibition, Kam Yick BAG, digital cameras (for BAG-for those who are willing to take pictures photo), etc.)’TWO、In the plan‘Summer Activity specific plans’,“TWO、Detailed plan of activity (c) of the latter: the conclusions and results of outreach activity”THE sixth“6.For 'green messenger' volunteers will be appreciation of the activities of the volunteers who have made outstanding contributions of outstanding volunteers awarded certificates。”“Green ambassador "should be changed to" Kam-yi emissary "

