今天是情人节,真的是很开心。 因为我们的团队进入复赛啦! 公益是我们身边的事,可是参加Google组织的这个比赛能让我们用简单的方式让更多人看到,感觉到公益的力量。能让公益更深入人心。 下午回来看到结果真的是开心,用电视节目《天天向上》里主持人的话说,就是:“开心开心开心极了!” 我们的团队为了能参加到这个活动中,为公益尽自己的一份力,从去年十二月就开始筹备,我们每一次开会,都会讨论很久,每次也会谈到很多弱势群体,很多环境污染等等,每每谈到这些,我们就更坚定要走的更远的决心。 项目确定后我们也决定,不管这个项目能否进入决赛,我们都会在以后的日子里用我们小小的行动去感染身边的人,感染我们身边的朋友,更加关爱我们赖以生存的环境。 加油吧!! Today is Valentine's Day, We are really very happy. Because our team enters the intermediary heat! Public welfare is this game that the business that we are nearby, attending the Google buildup however can let us showing more people with the simple way, feeling the public-spirited power.Can let the public welfare even go deep into the public. Come back to see the result in the afternoon,We are very happy, using the television program 《Day Day Up 》every Friday the host's words says, be:" happy and happy and happy pole!" Our team for canning attend this activity inside, for public-spirited offer the oneself's a dint,from the last December start preparing and plan, we open meeting every time, will discuss the donkey years, each time too the talks arrives a lot of minorities community, a lot of pollution of the environments etc,speak of these often, we the determination that more firmly walk more far. Item we also decide after making sure, ignoring this item can enter the finals, we will use our very small activity in hereafter of day to is nearby to the person who infect with, infecting with the friend of the us, closing the environment that love our rely for existence more. More power to you!!